“Fear knocked at the door. Love answered and no one was there.”
This quote gives me goose bumps! Whenever I read this it just gives me such a feeling of peace and tranquility, like everything is going to be okay. There have been so many times in my life where I have let fear keep me from pursing a dream or discovering a new passion. I was too afraid to fail, or look stupid that I did my best to convince myself that it wouldn’t work out for me anyway so there is no reason to try. Then the desire would return from deep within me and ask me to give it a chance. Depending on how scared I was of this desire I would either pursue it or bury even deeper inside, knowing full well it would eventually resurface and be even stronger.
If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. So many of us ignore and deny our inner voice, our inner intelligence. We think that little voice in our heads is just trying to confuse us from what we should really be doing. But if we are having these thoughts, what we are doing is not satisfying to us. We aren’t listening to our burning desires because they don’t make sense to us at the time. What we don’t realize about these burning desires is that they are coming from the truest place, our hearts. So today I am going to challenge you to follow your heart and listen to one of those burning desires you have been too afraid to pursue. Right now I am signed up for a bunch of continuing education classes and one of them is a two hour hike learning about plants in my area. I have no idea why I feel so strongly to go to this class, but I am sure that once I get there I’ll know. Everything happens for a reason, everything we like, we like for a reason. Don’t question it, just follow it and see where it leads. Every day is another adventure and another chance to follow your heart. If you take away anything from this post it is that you should always live your truth. Remember that fear is only an illusion and with love you can always overcome what is scaring you. <3